You can buy EVRSC bags from the online store. They are just the right bags to depict Sailcloth Totes your “nauti” personality, and are perfect for your boating lifestyle because they are water resistant and highly durable
Have you ever seen things online or in print that you wish you could buy, but couldn't because no-one's bothered to stock it anywhere near you, or won't ship internationally?
Well, I have, and do, almost every day. (I live in a place called Hong Kong, and no, it's not in Japan and we do have electricity...)
If I had a shop, I'd make sure everyone had access to these wonderful consumables. Until then, let's dream a little...
I'll try to post places where you can buy these things, and if you've found a source that stocks them and ships to a location other shops don't, please leave a comment.
Check back every so often to see what's new in 'stock'!
You can buy EVRSC bags from the online store. They are just the right bags to depict Sailcloth Totes your “nauti” personality, and are perfect for your boating lifestyle because they are water resistant and highly durable